Monday, 14 December 2015

A Cup of Java & Questions with Crime Fiction writer Chimaijem Ezechukwu.

During December I caught up with the the crime fiction writer of the popular title Snake Amongst Shadows,Chimaijem Ezechukwu. And over a cup of Java I asked him to share a little of his self publishing journey with us and this is what he had to say.

  1. Have you always enjoyed writing?
Yes. I have. And, at a very early age too. I started writing at the age of 7.
  1. Why have you chosen to write in the crime fiction genre?
I’ve always loved crime fiction stories. And have always dreamt of creating my own modern classic adventure crime fiction series. If people like the late great Conan Doyle can do it. I can too.
  1. Who is your favourite African or your favourite African heritage writer. Did he or she inspire you?
The late great Chinua Achebe is just one of my favourite African heritage authors. Ngugi wa Thiong’o is another one. Both authors have brought a lot to African literature and classic story telling in general. Achebe flagged up traditions and customs. And, questioned the essence of religion in a tribal society. Ngugi questioned the growth of the family in a war torn nation. They have both inspired me to look at stories differently.
  1. Do you think it is important for Black people to write their stories and have it published in books? If yes why and if no why?
It is important for Black people to write their stories and publish them because others can learn from their accounts. And, also learn how certain things are experienced in life.
  1. Why did you decide to Self Publish ‘Snake Amongst Shadows’?
I decided to self publish ‘Snake Amongst Shadows’ because I wanted to showcase my talent as a writer and a free agent.
  1. At first were you scared or worried about going alone, did you get any training and how did it help?
No. I wasn’t scared or worried of going alone because I had a business plan which enabled me gain insight with the different facets in the publishing industry.
  1. Tell us a little about the BIS Publishing courses you have attended and how they have helped in building your confidence, setting goals, completing and selling your book.
I attended a BIS Publishing course about two years ago before I got published. The organisers are a great support network. They give you updated information about the publishing world. And they make you work. The team also give you great tips on how to market your work.
  1. What is your take on the BIS Publishing Course's FCB formula and what does it mean to you and is it important for authors or not?
FCB simply means FOCUS, CONCENTRATION and BELIEVE. These are actually key words that enable you to work hard at your dreams and follow your dreams through to manifestation. That’s what it basically means to me. And I believe every author should have that belief factor under your wing. It makes you confident and most importantly it makes you a WINNER!
  1. What were the trainers on the course like?

SIMPLY, they were amazing and knowledgeable about their craft.

  1. What are the main things from the book ‘Self Publishing Successfully: A 20 Step Guide.
There are lots to learn from the book ‘Self Publishing Successfully: A 20 Step Guide book and CD. But more importantly I think every author using this guide should note the insistence on research work. Every aspiring author should not only believe in what they do. They should research what they do. And that’s a must if you want to publish under BIS Publications.

  1. Tell us where copies of ‘Snake Amongst Shadows’ can be purchased and where are we going to see you next?
You can purchase e-book copies of my classic crime thriller ‘Snake Amongst Shadows’ on Amazon. You can also purchase it on the BIS Publications webpage. You can also also purchase direct from my webpage. or call my mobile phone number: 07873449716. You can follow me at: or Linked in when you type up my full name.

I will be back with short stories featuring good old Rattlesnake and a brand new Logan mystery thriller adventure. And there will be loads more. So Watch This Space and Stay Safe!

Thank you very much for you time Chimijem Ezechukwu, would you like another cup of Java?